Infant Room

Our infant room accommodates six infants with two qualified infant teachers throughout the day. Staff utilizes The Ounce Scale as a developmental curriculum guide for Infants and Toddlers. By following this guideline, they are able to follow each infant and toddler through developmental guidelines and prepare activities that are individualized for each child. Primary Care is the format of providing care in our infant room, which means that one teacher is primarily responsible for three infants assigned to her care. She will keep all daily records, implement the individual schedule as required by each of the three infants and be the main parent contact person. All care for our infants is determined by the individual needs of each infant, they set their own schedule daily. Also, parents provide our teacher a care plan that is updated every few weeks to keep our staff apprised of developmental changes relating to food, sleep habits, teething, etc. A daily chart is completed for each infant, beginning with parent input at the time of drop-off, followed throughout the day with staff information to inform the parent of all facets of the infant’s activities of the day.  Click here to learn more about our Infant Room.

Toddler Room 

Our toddler classroom has a capacity for nine toddlers with three qualified teachers for this age group. Because the toddlers are verbal and mobile, their classroom is set up with various centers to generate interest for play and social development. This is the beginning of a very simplistic curriculum program. There will be a brief circle time that includes nursery rhymes, finger plays, story time (with picture books), etc. Puzzles are introduced to further develop eye/hand coordination and special concepts. Imaginary play provides a great opportunity for role-modeling home-like activities. In general, this is wonderful opportunity for toddler to begin learning about themselves and their environment as well as developing social skills. Click here to learn more about our Toddler Room.

Preschool Classes

The preschool curriculum for children ages two through four is offered from nine (9:00 am) to noon, Monday – Friday. All preschool age children present during this time will participate in this program. This program is available to families who need preschool exclusively. If parents need childcare surrounding the preschool program, we offer planned activities that are developmental appropriate from 6:30 am to 9:00 am and Noon to 6:00 pm. These activities include art, music, outdoor play, and imaginary playtime and table games. Lunch and story time occur between noon and 1:00 pm followed by a rest period that varies by classroom and is guided by MSDE recommendations. 

Pre Kindergarten Class

Our Pre Kindergarten class runs from 9:00-3:00 pm daily. Parents have the option of choosing 3, 4, or 5 days for their children.  This class prepares children to enter Public/Private Schools, ready for the rigors of Kindergarten. Closely mimicking a Kindergarten classroom, children attend full day sessions that offer an academic program that reinforces Language, Arts, Mathematics, Phonics, Writing, Reading, Social Studies and Science. 

School Age Class

Surrounded care is provided also for school agers, kindergarten through fifth grade who need care before and after school, on early dismissal days, as well as school holidays. 

Summer Program

The summer program is run separately from the school year program; therefore, a separate registration is required. CCM offers a preschool curriculum based program on a weekly thematic approach incorporating many outdoor activities. This program is very similar to our school year curriculum but more informal. For the elementary school children a summer day camp type program will be offered, which includes a wide variety of fun experiences with field trips as well as special on site activities and visitors to make the summer lots of fun! 

Montessori Classroom

We also offer a Montessori Curriculum that is taught by two AMI Montessori teachers. The Montessori curriculum will be offered from 9:00 am to 2:30pm Monday though Friday, for all children ages 2 to 6. 

Click here to learn more about our Montessori Method!