Preschool near Walkersville, MD

Caring for children is about so much more than just keeping them safe. It also involves giving them the tools and confidence they need to achieve a fulfilling education.

That’s why, here at Children’s Center of Monrovia, we offer comprehensive preschool classes with the goal of inspiring a lifelong passion for learning. 

Give your child a head start in math, science, language, art, music, and socialization. The pre-kindergarten class runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, and parents have the option of choosing 2, 3, 4, or 5 days a week for their children to attend.

Call now to learn more!

Montessori Pre-Kindergarten Classes near Walkersville, MD

Like all our classrooms, the preschool curriculum utilizes the Montessori method of education. 

Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, this philosophy is rooted in the idea that children have a natural curiosity to learn and explore. It’s our responsibility to nurture this instinct. The child is then able to engage more fully in the subjects that interest them the most.

Each classroom is limited to a small group of children receiving personalized instruction from one or two of our caring teachers. Rarely do we utilize large group activities, where everyone learns the exact same thing at the exact same time. Instead, children are able to guide their own pace of learning. 

So if they need a little longer to achieve mastery over a subject, they get that time. On the other hand, if they already understand a subject, they don’t need to slow down. Endless discoveries await them!

Call Children’s Center of Monrovia today to learn more about our Montessori method pre-kindergarten classes.